Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pathtracer Update


just a quick update with more triangles and more robots :D

Num Triangles: 1.6 millions (there's no instancing)
GTX 670

Cheers (Watch it on fullscreen!)

Gpu pathtracer from Tony Ambles on Vimeo.

Friday, May 22, 2015

GPU OpenCL Pathtracer


here is the first video of my openCL GPU pathtracer, it's still quite simple, no textures and limited shaders but it's good to see that's working :D

resolution: 1280x800
Triangles: around 410000
GPU: Nvidia GTX 670 (not too good nowadays)

I decided to do that cause I'm interested to see if there's any chance of using raytracing in videogames and vr in the near future. So well, after some tests, I'm not too optimistic, technically is possible, the gpus are getting better and better, but as the resolutions are growing, specially for vr, is more and more difficult to keep up with a good frame rate. But hey, I'll keep on optimizing and we'll see :)

Cheers! (Watch it on fullscreen!)