Monday, August 27, 2012

First foam test

First test of foam, Ionic Maya opencl
5 millions of particles, 1h 20 minutes
Creating foam directly with sph particles is a bit tricky, this is the first test :)


Jim said...

Hi Tony

this is really cool implement. and the speed is very good.

would you make a public beta of this for Maya community?

Tony Ambles said...

Hi Jim,

not sure yet what I'm going to do with it, for now it's just a hobby cause I wanted to learn openCL, I'll try to finish a stable and easy to use version and then we'll see... :)

Jim said...

Hi Tony

thanks for fast reply.Keep going on man!
I like the motion of your solver,and the
speed is great!
I will check your blog each day for update.awesome!